Acceptance and Committment
Children accepted into Souman Nafaman are typically between 6 and 10 years old when they arrive. Some are orphans; some may have families who are unable to care for them; and some may have families who are untraceable. While historically, we have had a mix of girls and boys living in the Home, in 2013 the decision was made that preference and priority will be given to girls as they generally face the most significant disadvantages in the Burkinabe society.
Usually there are 8 -12 children living in our Home ranging in age from 6 – 18 years.
When a new child/children is brought or recommended to the Home, the initial screening is done by the local manager/directrice. She discusses each child that is potentially a good fit with Brigitte Roussel who will, as a final step, obtain approval from the REPT Board of Directors for the selected child/children.
REPT’s commitment:
- Ensure a safe and nurturing environment in the Home.
- Provide 3 daily meals and health care to each child.
- Based on an assessment of each child, provide tailored educational opportunities that will enable them to reach their maximum potential.
- Support all the children accepted into the Home at least until they have completed their education.